WIN Diversity Statement

WIN is committed to structuring opportunities to advance health equity in the West and specifically to promoting health equity through WIN programming, developing nurse leaders from diverse populations, and increasing the number of monetary awards focusing on health disparities in the West.

In 2020, WIN created a Task Force on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that was formalized into a standing WIN committee in 2021.

In October 2021, the committee distributed a demographic survey to WIN membership. The results of that survey are HERE.

Committee members include:

Timian Godfrey, Chair, The University of Arizona
Marife Aczon-Armstrong, Chaminade University of Honolulu
Marjorie Attis-Josias, University of Portland
Bantale (Remi) Ayisire, Charles R. Drew University
Annie Boehning, Cal State Bakersfield
Mary Lou de Leon Siantz, UC Davis
Consuelo Grant, Veterans Administration
Renee Johnson, Cal State Los Angeles
Razel Milo, University of San Diego
Rana Najjar, OHSU
Joanne Noone, OHSU
Krista Scorsone, Regis University
Linda Trader, St. Martin's University
Shu-Yi (Emily) Wang, University of Colorado
Lauren Clark, Board Liaison, UCLA