Ann M. Voda American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation Conference Award


The 2004 Institute of Medicine Report, “In the Nation’s Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the Health Care Workforce”, clearly states that, although the diversity of the United States is rapidly increasing, many minority racial/ethnic groups are under-represented in the health professions. Increasing diversity among researchers, clinicians, and educators may help to enhance the diversity of research and clinical environments and ultimately help improve global health.


This award was established by Dr. Ann M. Voda, PhD, RN, Professor Emeritus, University of Utah College of Nursing and WIN Emeritus. Dr. Voda wrote the following in her proposal to establish the award:

“As you know, since my retirement I have been deeply involved with the Adopt-A-Native Elder program which takes me to the Navajo reservation. This presence on the reservation has been a consciousness raising experience for me regarding the need for culturally competent care and the absence of any scholarship addressing the multiple health disparities that exist. As a long time member of WIN, I have observed that there are few if any Native Americans who attend the conferences or present papers. I am aware that Native American students are enrolled in nursing programs in the Western region, but, for the most part, remain invisible at WIN. Perhaps this award will be an incentive to engage some of those students to participate with the WIN community of scholars.”

The purpose of this award is to:

  1. Provide monetary conference support to an American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation nursing student or nurse clinician attending WIN’s annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference;
  2. Promote nursing student/clinician engagement with the WIN community of scholars;
  3. Enhance diversity and networking related to health disparity research, practice and education.


2009: Molly Butler Aultz, Oregon Health & Science University
2010: Laura Ann Curr Beamer, University of Utah
2010: David Hodgins, Arizona State University
2011: Rydell (Dale) Todicheeney, University of San Diego
2012: Milissa Grandchamp, Montana State University
2013: Lei-Lani White, Arizona State University
2014: Michelle Kahn-John, University of Colorado
2016: Nicholas Zumwalt, University of Arizona
2017: Lenora Duncan Littledear, University of New Mexico
2018: Melody M. Hoffman, University of Alaska Anchorage
2019: Rhea N. DeCoteau, University of Arizona
2020: Randi Powell Sexton, Oregon Health & Science University
2022: Samantha Old Elk, Montana State University
2024: Deidre L. Chase, University of Arizona


To be eligible for the Ann M. Voda American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation Conference Award, the applicant must be:

  1. American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation ethnicity;
  2. Affiliated with a WIN member organization; and
  3. Attend the full annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference.

If the above criteria are met, priority will be given as follows to an applicant with: 1) podium presentation, 2) poster presentation or 3) attending the conference and not presenting. 


Please prepare a brief, no more than one page, 12 point, double spaced statement which describes your reasons for attending the conference, anticipated benefits to your professional development, and most importantly, how you have and/or will contribute to the health care of indigenous people. Award applicants are encouraged to work with a mentor to ensure clarity and specificity in the “Personal Statement”.


Please forward your resume or curriculum vitae along with your application form.


Please provide the name and contact information for one mentor or advisor who can verify your WIN affiliation status.


Click here to download the Application Form for the Voda Award


If you are selected as the recipient of the Ann M. Voda American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation Conference Award, you will receive the monetary award in the amount of $1,500 following the annual conference. WIN will waive the conference registration fee, and the award recipient will be invited to the conference awards lunch and featured on the WIN website.


Applications are due in the WIN office on February 1.
The award recipient will be notified of the selection in mid to late February. 


Please contact Carol A. Ashton, PhD, RN, Professor Emerita and WN Emeriti at


The Selection Committee for the Ann M. Voda American Indian/Alaska Native/First Nation Conference Award includes Carol Ashton, Chair; Tina DeLapp, Ann Hubbert, and Sandra Kuntz.