Legacy Gift

"Naming WIN as a beneficiary in your will is a simple way to honor this organization that is so important to nurse scientists in the West. I know that my bequest to WIN will preserve and expand its ability to elevate professional nursing practice, research, and education, our unique tripartite mission. I am proud that I have included a bequest to WIN in my will. Think about joining me in this endeavor!”

Past President of WIN
WIN Emeritus
Fellow, Western Academy of Nurses

Support the next generation of nurse scientists in the West

Building a research career is challenging as traditional funding sources have not kept pace with increased demands for research funds. During one recent ten-year period, the number of proposals submitted to NINR increased by 49% , while funding increased by only 4% and the proportion of funded proposals decreased by 50%.

A strong endowment will provide a stable source of income that will allow WIN to make important grants to nurse researchers. Your Legacy Gift will provide resources beyond your lifetime and secure a legacy of nursing research, practice, and education in West well into the future.

There are many ways to make a Legacy Gift to WIN

You may designate WIN as:
• The beneficiary of a portion of your estate;
• The recipient of all or a portion of an IRA rollover;
• The recipient of all or a portion of the required minimum distribution of your tax-sheltered funds.

Consult with your financial advisor or attorney for advice specific to your desire to leave a Legacy Gift to WIN. WIN is recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3).

For more information or to discuss a Legacy Gift with a WIN officer, please email win@ohsu.edu.